
mission statement




Curriculum Vitae, very short version

Life started 1961 in Stuttgart, southern Germany.Then it continued for some years in a little town called Wendlingen.

1981 I studied "Visual Communication" at Hochschule für Gestaltung in Offenbach, Germany. It was basically drawing and painting and learning Graphic Design with Letraset and coloured paper.

Then I moved to Madrid, then I moved to Berlin, then I moved to Denmark, and this is where I am living now with my husband, 2 kids, dog and cat.







Palacio de Congresos, Madrid

Galerie Deschler, Berlin,

Orangerie Putbus, Rügen

Genie de la Bastille, Paris

Galerie Formart, Berlin

Deutsche Welle, Berlin1999

Kunstfabrik am Flutgraben, Berlin

Fødevarestyrelsen, Ringsted

Lægemiddelstyrelsen, Kopenhagen

Masnedøfort, Vordingborg

BKF Sommerudstilling Masnedøfort, Vordingborg

Kunstforening Præstø


Member of BKF, Billedkunstnernes Forbund, Danmark